Friday 20 February 2015

Is your child's multivitamin full of "BAD" stuff?

Are you concerned about the chemicals that are in your children's multivitamin? 

How often are parents aware of the ingredients contained in the multivitamin that they feed their children? We often believe what we hear without ever questioning what mass marketing and media has to say about a product. In this case they have led thousands of parents to purchase multivitamins because they believe it has significant nutritional value. But do these vitamins truly provide nutritional benefit? If so, at what cost?
If we look at the Flintstones vitamin, (one of the top multivitamins in North America) it contains a number of genetically-modified organisms (GMOs), aspartame, aluminum, petroleum-derived artificial colours and more. All of these ingredients are not optimal for health and can be very toxic.

Usana Usananimals is a Chewable daily vitamin, mineral, and antioxidant supplement for children and for adults. Child dose 1/day, adult dose 2/day. $19.75 per bottle (plus shipping and taxes)

Health Basics
  • Provides a complete and balanced formula of vitamins and minerals
  • Newly improved flavor that includes
 blackberry, raspberry, cranberry, and wild
 blueberry fruit powders

  • Supports immunity and strong bones and teeth

Did you know?
  • Usanimals provides one of the best antioxidant complexes available and it is free of artificial flavours sweeteners and GMO's.

USANA Difference
  • Effective
  • Safe
  • Science-based
  • Pharmaceutical Quality
Please contact me if you would like to order your bottle of Usananimals, or for more information please go to 

A 10% discount can be applied if you order monthly. 

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