Monday 9 February 2015

Do you eat a good breakfast? Do you skip meals?

My New Favourite Shake!
I have tried every shake powder out there and I have finally found a few from USANA that are my favourite! It took me over a year to find the one that tasted great and had what I wanted (and what I didn't want inside).

Why I use it: 
Sometimes I am incredibly busy. Between work, exercise, and a list of errands a mile long, the last thing that I want to do in the morning before I run out the door is cook breakfast! I don't even have children yet and I still find it hard to sit down and eat breakfast each morning. But breakfast is where a healthy lifestyle begins. 

Did you know that by skipping any meal, especially breakfast, our body is put into danger. We may think that skipping means we will lose a few pounds or that it "isn't a big deal" but we actually could gain weight by skipping, and even lose muscle mass. 

What I mix into mine: 1/2 of a banana, 1/4 avocado (makes it creamy), 1/3 cup of frozen fruit. Sometimes I will add 1/2 of a cup of Greek yogurt and or hemp hearts!

CHOCOLATE Nutrimeal Powder:

Health Basics
  • 4 grams of dietary fibre
  • 15 grams of protein
  • Low in saturated fat
  • Low glycemic
  • Gluten Free
  • Complete GMO-free protein
Nutrimeal Difference
  • Chocolate Nutrimeal uses only natural flavours and sweeteners
Did You Know? 
  • Nutrimeal has a low-glycemic index to help reduce carbohydrate cravings and provide sustained energy and greater satiety throughout the day.
Chocolate Nutrimeal™Fast food or no food. Too often this is a choice we’re forced to make. We know you want exceptional nutrition in everything you eat.  That’s why USANA developed tasty and convenient Nutrimeal shakes. 

They are low glycemic, meaning that the ingredients are formulated to produce only small fluctuations in blood glucose levels for sustained energy and to keep you satisfied longer. Each serving of Nutrimeal contains 4 grams of dietary fibre. Each serving also provides 15 grams of soy, whey, and other proteins. Soy protein is a complete protein, containing all of the essential amino acids in optimal ratios and in a highly digestible form. Whey protein, which is also easily digestible, is an excellent source of amino acids essential for building a healthy body. Try the rich flavour of chocolate for breakfast, or any time you want a healthy meal you shake!

Sensitive to gluten? No gluten-containing ingredients are used in Chocolate Nutrimeal. However, Chocolate Nutrimeal is produced in a facility that manufactures other products that do use gluten-containing ingredients. Our Nutrifree doesn't contain any gluten traces and I will talk about this product in another post! 

If you are interested in trying a Nutrimeal product from USANA, please contact me and I will put in an order for you. Prices range from $33-$39/bag plus shipping (shipping can be waved if we have a big order, I will drive to Markham to pick it up!)

Thanks for reading!

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