Friday 27 February 2015

A little TREAT protein shake for the weekend! Mocha!

It's okay to have a bit of a treat once in a while! Try this Mocha Protein Shake...

1/2 cup almond milk or water
1 tablespoon Jell-O Butterscotch Pudding
2 scoops Usana chocolate protein powder (or your choice)
1/2 cup concentrated cold brew coffee (do not water it down), or really strong coffee, chilled
1 cup ice
Chocolate shavings (optional)

Tuesday 24 February 2015

Free Butts and Guts cardio class this Wednesday, 5:30pm in Burlington!

Please come out to try a 30 minute Butts and Guts class this Wednesday. You may love it and want to come back. $10/session with a purchase of a 10 class punch card that never expires. This also entitles you to the use of the rest of the gym for that day/evening.

Contact me for details :)

The Lemon Blueberry Protein Shake, it takes 2 minutes to make and its much better than skipping a meal!

A new favourite to mine!

1.5 cups of water
1/4 cup blueberries
1/2 lemon squeezed or blended (depending on your blender)
1-3 scoops vanilla or chocolate protein powder
BLEND and consume :)

Monday 23 February 2015

Take the RESET Challenge and be entered to win a Lulu Lemon top! March 1st to April 1st!

Take the Reset Challenge and you will be entered to win a Lulu Lemon Top (valued at $108)
OUR CHALLENGE BEGINS MARCH 1st and ENDS APRIL 1st (It's only 5 days of your life, but it could be the beginning of something more!)

Is it time to get a little jump-start to your nutrition?
The Reset program is a nutritionally balanced program of macro-nutrients (high-quality protein, good carbs, and healthy fats) and micro-nutrients (vitamins, minerals, antioxidants). 
Add this to your daily intake of fruits and vegetables along with 20-30 minutes of light to moderate exercising (walking the dog, running, exercise class).
Take the Usana Reset Kit challenge for 5 days! (It can be divided up into 10 days, with a well balanced dinner instead of a shake and protein bar).

What is Usana Reset?
A healthy kick start to making positive changes to your diet, eating habits and lifestyle. The Reset can be used as a jump-start to naturally balance your lifestyle. Just add physical activity and you will feel and see some positive changes.
What it includes: Nutrimeal Shakes, Snacks and Nutritional's/Supplements.
You can mix and match your shake flavours and your portein bar flavours.
Bars: Fudge Delite, Choco Chip, Peanutty Bliss
Shakes: French Vanilla, Dutch Chocolate, Strawberry

I have purchased my own kit and I would like to start as soon as we have others interested.
If you are interested in purchasing a Reset Kit for $98 plus taxes. Please message me personally or message here. I will get it to you right away and we can all help each other keep track of how we are doing. If you need your RESET costumized (ie. no nuts/no soy) please message me about that.

As for the Lulu Lemon Top: We need a total of 6 participants. If we have 6, then your chances are 1/6 to win!
I hope that we can get a little challenge going, some banter and some positive health changes! It's a health challenge, not necessarily a weight loss challenge (but that could happen too!)

Thanks everyone,

Saturday 21 February 2015

Energy Drinks....let's go oh natural!

I have had several friends and co-workers ask about energy drinks. I came across this review from "The Mighty Fit Grasshopper" about the Rev3 drinks. Please take a read and if you or anyone would like to try them in the can or the powder version to mix with your bottle of water, please message me. 

Product Review: USANA's Rev3 Energy Drink

The Mighty Fit Grasshopper reviews an all natural energy drink, designed to give you a kick, without the crash and it's actually healthy for you! Impossible, you say? Read on.

Energy drinks are all the rage. As such, it's also highly competitive. 5 Hour Energy DrinkRed Bull, Monster, Beaver Buzz and a multitude of others pack the store shelves. Much of these drinks get their kick from the incredible levels of caffeine, and if you haven't noticed, many of them have pharmaceutical grade caffeine added to the drink (hard to read, of course, as it's written in between all the listed herbal ingredients). Another issue with energy drinks is the sugar content - many of them are loaded with sugar to either mask the taste of the herbal ingredients or simple to add to the kick.

But is there something that has a kick, without loads of sugar and caffeine, and contains only natural ingredients to flavour the drink? Interestingly, I came across this product: Usana's REV3 Energy. This drink boasts a low glycemic index (doesn't spike blood sugar levels), doesn't contain a high caffeine content, and uses all natural ingredients. Will this actually provide a kick? or just to my wallet?

Now before I go on, I would like to take a moment to talk about USANA Health Sciences Inc. USANA is a network marketing (eg. multi-level marketing) company that produces high end dietary supplement products. I would like to just explicitly say that I am not involved with USANA in anyway. I am not selling their products nor was I paid for this post. Like every other product I've reviewed, I'm simply providing you with my unbiased, real experience with this natural health product.

Product Label and Design:

REV3 is hot. That's what this product screams out. It is fuel that your body is craving for when you really want it most. REV3 Energy is packaged in a slim can, similar to that of a RedBull. It's slim, sleek and stares at you, urging you to crack it open and take on your day in bullet time. The design and labelling is really cool. Exactly what you'd expect from an energy drink.

I would've expected a MLM company to go pretty bland with their labels, but they did this one right. The label design matches the intent of this product. Very nicely done.

Health Claim: 

REV3 Energy is designed to support mental alertness and stamina. Interestingly, it also boasts that it is a low-glycemic formula and contains naturally occurring caffeine.

On the can it states, "Developed for periods of increased mental and physical exertion. Helps temporarily restore mental alertness and wakefulness when experiencing fatigue or drowsiness."

The claim sounds like it was ripped off the RedBull can. But given the anal-retentiveness/limitations of the Canadian Natural Health Product Regulations, we would expect nothing less.

Dosage: drink one can daily, as needed. I can do that.

Regulatory Compliance: 

At the time of writing, I have not been able to confirm whether USANA has a product license application in queue. However, I did check Health Canada's database and was glad to see that USANA has several products with a NPN number. Looks like, to me, that their regulatory department is taking care of business and, hopefully soon, we'll see a NPN for this REV3 Energy.

In terms of labeling standards, REV3 does a fine job of ensuring that they're following all of Health Canada's guidelines. The health claim is line with other energy drink health claims that have been granted a NPN, and the listing of ingredients all fall in line with the regulations.

Really nice to see that USANA is doing their best to comply with Canadian Regulations. (I've come across many USA-based products that do not comply, simply either for cost reasons, lack of enforcement, or pure laziness.)


Upon cracking a can of REV3 open, the drink has a very sugary/fruity scent to it. It was not unwelcoming like that of RedBull, but instead reminded of me a fruit punch/juice. Taking a gulp of this stuff was quite pleasant. The drink is carbonated, but the flavour is really nice. I would describe the flavour as a fruit punch type of flavour, but non-specific (eg. cherry, or strawberry). All in all, a great tasting product. It is not overly sweet, but not sure if it's just me, but I did get notes similar to that of drinking diet beverages. I was actually surprised that this stuff is all natural and tastes pretty good!

Does It Work?

Knowing that REV3 is a low glycemic product (doesn't spike sugar levels), contains only naturally occurring caffeine from green tea at 140 mg, my expectations for its kick were not high. There are other herbal ingredients such as coenzyme Q10, rhodiola, pomegranate, olive fruit, as well as B vitamins. I know that many of these have had a rep for providing energy, but I had my reservations as to how it might work with really giving me a kick like that of a good cup of coffee or a cold can of RedBull.

I drank my early in the morning. About 30 minutes later, I could start to feel its effects coming on. I was alert, and ready to tackle the day. I noticed, immediately, that the kick was there, but with less jitters than my typical cup of coffee in the mornings. The kick was also a notch less than my morning coffee, but this wasn't a bad thing. In fact, i was really surprised at how much kick this drink actually had considering it's all natural!

As I've mentioned above, many of these energy drinks have added caffeine in them. The caffeine is likely not naturally occurring and, most likely pharmaceutical grade. This made sense to me - add a whole bunch of herbal ingredients for marketing, and spike it with caffeine for the kick.

REV3 doesn't do that. The kick is in the tea ingredients and, somehow, the kick lasts. It lasts for a few hours in fact and the crash, although I did notice my energy levels taper, it was not like that experienced with my cup of coffee. It was a steady tapering and something I was glad to experience.

Does REV3 work? Yes it does. And very well.

Adverse Reactions:

I didn't notice any adverse reactions other than typical drying of the mouth and urge to urinate after an hour or two. Pretty typical reactions from caffeinated beverages.

Bottom Line:

REV3 has managed to create an all natural energy drink without the blood sugar spike, without the added caffeine and without any artificial sweeteners. The kick is there (albeit not as strong as my morning coffee or a can of RedBull), but it's definitely noticeable and gets you going just as good. It's a shame they don't sell these at your local grocery stores.
Please message me or call me if you'd like more information or if you'd like to order!
Cheers, Sylvia :)

Friday 20 February 2015

Is your child's multivitamin full of "BAD" stuff?

Are you concerned about the chemicals that are in your children's multivitamin? 

How often are parents aware of the ingredients contained in the multivitamin that they feed their children? We often believe what we hear without ever questioning what mass marketing and media has to say about a product. In this case they have led thousands of parents to purchase multivitamins because they believe it has significant nutritional value. But do these vitamins truly provide nutritional benefit? If so, at what cost?
If we look at the Flintstones vitamin, (one of the top multivitamins in North America) it contains a number of genetically-modified organisms (GMOs), aspartame, aluminum, petroleum-derived artificial colours and more. All of these ingredients are not optimal for health and can be very toxic.

Usana Usananimals is a Chewable daily vitamin, mineral, and antioxidant supplement for children and for adults. Child dose 1/day, adult dose 2/day. $19.75 per bottle (plus shipping and taxes)

Health Basics
  • Provides a complete and balanced formula of vitamins and minerals
  • Newly improved flavor that includes
 blackberry, raspberry, cranberry, and wild
 blueberry fruit powders

  • Supports immunity and strong bones and teeth

Did you know?
  • Usanimals provides one of the best antioxidant complexes available and it is free of artificial flavours sweeteners and GMO's.

USANA Difference
  • Effective
  • Safe
  • Science-based
  • Pharmaceutical Quality
Please contact me if you would like to order your bottle of Usananimals, or for more information please go to 

A 10% discount can be applied if you order monthly. 

Wednesday 18 February 2015

Almond-Orange-Vanilla Smoothie!

This one is delicious and you can play around with it to make it your own!

1 cup (250 mL) vanilla-flavoured almond beverage or one scoop vanilla protein powder (with 1 cup of water)
1/2 cup (125 mL) orange juice
Juice from one lemon
Juice from one lime
Handful of ice
1 Tbsp (15 mL) honey
1/4 avocado (optional)
Blend together for 30 seconds or so, and its ready!

Monday 16 February 2015

Joint Health: Are you caring for your joints properly?

The best way to care for your joints is to keep them and your muscles, ligaments, and bones strong and stable. Here are some tips for good joint health.

Watch Your Weight for Healthy Joints

Keeping your weight within a healthy range is the best thing you can do for your joints. Weight-bearing joints, such as your knees, hips, and back, have to support some, if not all, of your body weight. That's why so many overweight people have problems with these areas of the body.
The higher the number on your bathroom scale, the more wear and tear you put on your joints. Losing weight reduces pressure on your knees, hips, and back and helps prevent joint injury. Research has shown that with every pound gained, a person puts four times more stress on the knees.

Exercise for Healthy Joints

Exercise can help you lose extra pounds and maintain a healthy weight. Some research suggests that aerobic exercise -- activities that get your heart rate up -- can reduce joint swelling. If your joints bother you, opt for exercises that won't give your joints a pounding. Instead of step aerobics, try low-impact exercises such as swimming or bicycling.

Another healthy idea: Don't sit still! Couch potatoes, computer addicts, and all who remain glued to a chair all day long have a high risk for joint pain. Less movement means more stiffness in your joints. So get up and get moving. Change positions frequently. Take frequent breaks at work, and stretch or go for a short walk. If you can't leave the office, try taking phone calls while standing.

Eating Right and Vitamins to Nourish Joints

Eating a healthy diet is good for your joints, because it helps build strong bones and muscles. 
For your bones, make sure you get enough calcium and glucosamine every day. You can do this by eating foods such as milk, yogurt, broccoli, kale, figs, and fortified foods like almond milk.  If those foods don't tempt your taste buds, ask your doctor if a supplement is right for you.  You may want to try USANA Procosa: Health Basics
  • Delivers vegetarian glucosamine at doses shown to help maintain healthy cartilage and joints*
  • Vitamin C, manganese, and other nutrients provide additional nutrition essential for joint health*
  • Meriva® bioavailable curcumin complex complements the action of Procosa to provide even better benefits
Procosa Difference
  • Procosa is formulated with Meriva, an innovative curcumin phytosome that has been shown to deliver noticeable improvements in joint comfort and mobility in as little as 90 days.
  • A study co-authored by USANA scientists and published in the Journal of Natural Products  revealed Meriva delivers a significant improvement in bioavailability compared to traditional curcumin (from turmeric) extracts.

Protein: For your muscles, you need to get enough protein. Exactly how much you need depends on your age, sex, and how active you are. Some Canadians get enough protein. Good sources include lean meats, seafood, beans, legumes, soy products, and nuts. Go for a variety.Oranges may also give your joints a healthy boost. Some studies suggest that vitamin C and other antioxidants can help keep your joints healthy.

You also need vitamin D to keep your bones and joints in good health. Vitamin D helps your body absorb calcium from the foods you eat. Dairy products. many cereals, and almond milk are fortified with vitamin D. You can ask your doctor about the proper amount of vitamin D and ways you can get it. There are several over the counter supplements. USANA has a few that may be right for you. If you are interested, please message me here or at for details. 

Sunday 15 February 2015

Try This!!! Family Day Smoothie!

Mango Madness

Take advantage ripe mangoes disease-fighting ability with this delicious drink.
1 can (8 oz) juice-packed pineapple chunks or 1/4 of a ripe pineapple
1 c fat-free frozen vanilla yogurt or 1 cup 0% Greek yogurt
1 lg ripe mango, peeled and chopped
1 ripe banana, sliced
Crushed or cracked ice
For more protein add 1 scoop of USANA Nutrimeal (if you are working out/trying to reduce your weight, opt out of the frozen yogurt and use 1/2 of a banana)
1. COMBINE the pineapple (with juice), frozen yogurt/Greek yogurt, mango, and banana. Blend until smooth.
2. WITH the blender running, gradually drop in enough ice to bring the level up to 4 cups. Blend until the ice is pureed.
NUTRITION: Approx. depending on what you decide to add (per serving251 cals, 0.5 g fat, 0.2 g sat fat, 68 mg sodium, 60 g carbs, 50 g sugars, 4 g fiber, 6.5 g protein

Thursday 12 February 2015

Benefits of one glass of red wine

Beneficial Booze

One great way to kick back an de-stress...the gym, another one...a glass of red vino! The best part? Your red-wine habit also happens to come with some happy health benefits, such as protecting your ticker and even slimming your waistline. Check out these eight reasons why winding down with a glass of vino is a good call all around please visit for the full story.

Benefits of one glass of wine a day:
1) Helps lower your cholestoral
2) Controls blood sugar
3) Protects your heart
4) Boosts your brain
5) Can help fight off colds
6) Stop cancer
7) Help with weight loss
8) Jazz up dinner

Vinotecha is a small winery located in the Niagara region and in the GTA. If you are interested in getting a few bottles or a few casks of wine (red or white, several varieties). Please contact me here and I can get you some more information. Great prices and lovely wines!

Shake of the day! Cleanse and Detox Green Smoothie

  • Recommend organic apple, kale and celery be used for this recipe.
  • 1 organic apple with peeling, cored (Wash away harmful toxins in the body)
  • Juice of 1 lemon (This citrus fruit helps boosts the digestive tract)
  • 1 cup kale (Chlorophyll kick starts the digestive tract by ridding the body of pesticides and environmental toxins)
  • 1 stalk or rib of celery...depending where you live. (Thought to be a great blood cleanser)
  • 1/3 cup flat leaf parsley or cilantro (Thought to help rid the body of mercury and other harmful minerals)
  • 1 tablespoon ground flax seeds or chia seeds (Great source of Omega-3's and ridding the body of
  • harmful toxins)
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 1 1/4 cups chilled water

Probiotics!!!!! They can help with digestion, bloating, rashes and more!

Signs that you need probiotics...
1. You were on Antibiotics: anitbiotic means anti-life. If you've used antibiotics recently (within the past year), you have probably killed off many of your probiotics. Your digestive track may be at risk and you may feel like you are coming down with every cold, flu and even pneumonia out there. 
2. "I have poor digestion"- Sore gut, bloating, burping, digestive problems, cramps, diarrhea, gas, Crohn's? Try a probiotic!
3. Food Poisoning: Taking a probiotic supplement (powder or pill).
4. Skin Conditions-acne, eczema, rashes, hives, psoriasis-most likely due to poor digestion and decreased probiotics. 
5. Yeast Infections- Probiotics can reduce symptoms and help clear the infection up quicker!
What are Probiotics?
Probiotics are live bacteria and yeasts that are good for your health, especially your digestive system/gut. We usually think of bacteria as something that causes diseases. But your body is full of bacteria, both good and bad. Probiotics are often called "good" or "helpful" bacteria because they help keep your gut healthy.
Probiotics are naturally found in your body. You can also find them in some foods and supplements. Supplements are quick and easy to add to your day.
It's only been since about the mid-1990s that people have wanted to know more about probiotics and their health benefits. Doctors often suggest them to help with digestive problems. And because of their new-found fame, you can find them in everything from yogurt to chocolate. But...sometimes we are not getting enough!

How Do They Work?

Researchers are trying to figure out exactly how probiotics work. Here are some of the ways they may keep you healthy:

  • When you lose "good" bacteria in your body (like after you take antibiotics, for example), probiotics can help replace them.
  • They can lower the amount of "bad" bacteria in your system that can cause infections or other problems.
  • They can help balance your "good" and "bad" bacteria to keep your body working like it should.
Please contact me if you would like to try USANA Probiotic: $32.05 for 14 sachets. I have recently started to use these every other day! That comes to a little over $2 per. Message me if you want to hear what it's doing for me!
There are also several other products in pill form that you could use. I prefer to sprinkle these, mix them in fluids or take on my tongue when I feel a cold coming on. 

Tuesday 10 February 2015

Creamsicle Protein Shake

Shakes may get a little bit boring each day, try mixing it up! I tried this one today and it is now one of my favourites!
Total time: 5 minutes


2 scoops of your favourite protein powder (I use Nutrameal USANA Free) in vanilla
1/2 cup unsweetened almond milk
1/2 cup water
3 ounces orange juice
1/2 frozen banana
1 tsp honey
3-5 ice cubes
1 teaspoon orange zest (optional) 
Blend together and serve!
Per 16 oz serving: (approx.)
  • 315 cal
  • 4 g fat (.5 g saturated fat)
  • 59 g carbs
  • 200 mg sodium (some from the banana)
  • 5 g fiber
  • 29 g protein

Kick start to your health...try a 5 day RESET!

By popular demand I am posting information about USANA Reset!
This is something that I do twice a year, often in the winter and again in the summer. I first used the re-set after gaining a few pounds due to my toe operation. I wasn't able to hit the gym. This is a 5 day program, you are still able to eat a healthy dinner and the best part is that it comes with daily vitamins that are measured out and ready for you twice a day. 
Also, my friend did the re-set a few years ago and lost 5 lbs in 5 days, this was her kick start to shedding her post baby weight.

USANA’s RESET™ kick start or weight-management program is simple, convenient, and it works. Each day you replace your usual meals and snacks with deliciousUSANA® Foods. Plus, you get a bonus snack of one serving of fruit and one serving of vegetables each day. We also supply you with our top-rated supplements in the HealthPak™ pouches included in this kit. We encourage you to stick to the program, drink about two litres of water daily, and walk for 30 minutes each day for maximum results.

The 5-Day RESET Kit
  • 15 Nutrimeal™: Chocolate, French Vanilla, and Wild Strawberry
  • 5 Fudge Delite™ Protein Snacks
  • 3 Peanutty Bliss™ Protein Snacks
  • 2 Choco Chip™ Protein Snacks
  • 10 HealthPak packets
  • Program guide
  • Motivational #RESETNATION bracelet
Health Basics: Better Results by RESET.
  • Lose up to five pounds in five days
  • Lose two pounds a week for twelve weeks
  • Low-glycemic ingredients to control carbohydrate cravings*
  • One of the most nutritional weight-loss programs on the market
  • Provides balanced nutrition for weight-loss success
The kit runs for $110 plus shipping. Please message me here or contact me personally if you would like to put in an order.
†Individual results may vary. RESET weight-management system lowers your daily caloric intake and recommends moderate exercise for best results.

It is suggested that you take these products to your physician and secure his/her advice if you intend to change your diet, begin an exercise program, are pregnant or lactating, have allergies, are taking medications, or are under the care of a physician.

Children under the age of 18 should not participate in the RESET program, except on the advice of their physician and/or dietician.

Monday 9 February 2015

There are dozens of reasons why you should drink water, here are 4 major reasons...

itFitBands! Amazing headbands, made in Canada!

Introducing the itFit Band! Known as "The world's best fitting headband".

I own them, I've tried them, I love them! They fit, they stay in place and they are gorgeous!
Great for at the gym or on the run!

February choices: Peacock (bottom band), Cyan Aebra (middle band), Army Chic (top band)
$19 each, or 2 for $36 taxes included.
New patterns and colours every few months.

Please try a Butts and Guts 30 minute class!

If you are interested in trying a quick 30 minute fitness class, I recommend Butts and Guts at The Fitness Firm (15 Plains Road West, Burlington). These classes are amazing and the instructor is wonderful. She will work with you at any level and it is not intimidating at all. It is a 1/2 hour workout dedicated to core and glute focused exercises!

If you would like to give it a try, please message me here and I can get you in for a free class trial! If you do like it you can purchase a $100 punch card that never expires, this gives you 10 classes for $10 each. Because the class is only 30 minutes you can also take part in the spin class and only one punch will be used.

I love this gym and the instructors, I don't make a commission by bringing in clients. My intent is to share what I like and what is out there!

Do you eat a good breakfast? Do you skip meals?

My New Favourite Shake!
I have tried every shake powder out there and I have finally found a few from USANA that are my favourite! It took me over a year to find the one that tasted great and had what I wanted (and what I didn't want inside).

Why I use it: 
Sometimes I am incredibly busy. Between work, exercise, and a list of errands a mile long, the last thing that I want to do in the morning before I run out the door is cook breakfast! I don't even have children yet and I still find it hard to sit down and eat breakfast each morning. But breakfast is where a healthy lifestyle begins. 

Did you know that by skipping any meal, especially breakfast, our body is put into danger. We may think that skipping means we will lose a few pounds or that it "isn't a big deal" but we actually could gain weight by skipping, and even lose muscle mass. 

What I mix into mine: 1/2 of a banana, 1/4 avocado (makes it creamy), 1/3 cup of frozen fruit. Sometimes I will add 1/2 of a cup of Greek yogurt and or hemp hearts!

CHOCOLATE Nutrimeal Powder:

Health Basics
  • 4 grams of dietary fibre
  • 15 grams of protein
  • Low in saturated fat
  • Low glycemic
  • Gluten Free
  • Complete GMO-free protein
Nutrimeal Difference
  • Chocolate Nutrimeal uses only natural flavours and sweeteners
Did You Know? 
  • Nutrimeal has a low-glycemic index to help reduce carbohydrate cravings and provide sustained energy and greater satiety throughout the day.
Chocolate Nutrimeal™Fast food or no food. Too often this is a choice we’re forced to make. We know you want exceptional nutrition in everything you eat.  That’s why USANA developed tasty and convenient Nutrimeal shakes. 

They are low glycemic, meaning that the ingredients are formulated to produce only small fluctuations in blood glucose levels for sustained energy and to keep you satisfied longer. Each serving of Nutrimeal contains 4 grams of dietary fibre. Each serving also provides 15 grams of soy, whey, and other proteins. Soy protein is a complete protein, containing all of the essential amino acids in optimal ratios and in a highly digestible form. Whey protein, which is also easily digestible, is an excellent source of amino acids essential for building a healthy body. Try the rich flavour of chocolate for breakfast, or any time you want a healthy meal you shake!

Sensitive to gluten? No gluten-containing ingredients are used in Chocolate Nutrimeal. However, Chocolate Nutrimeal is produced in a facility that manufactures other products that do use gluten-containing ingredients. Our Nutrifree doesn't contain any gluten traces and I will talk about this product in another post! 

If you are interested in trying a Nutrimeal product from USANA, please contact me and I will put in an order for you. Prices range from $33-$39/bag plus shipping (shipping can be waved if we have a big order, I will drive to Markham to pick it up!)

Thanks for reading!

Welcome to my Fitness and Nutritional's Page

Welcome to my new Fitness and Nutritional's Blog!

A little bit about myself in the Fitness/Nutrition World:
The reason for this blog page...

1) To introduce nutritional supplements including shakes, vitamins and healthy snack bars to those interested. 
2) To act as a liaison between nutritional companies, put in orders, get the product to you.
3) To invite you to different sport/fitness programs within the community, Burlington, Hamilton and surrounding areas.

I have been dabbling in the fitness world for quite some time now, and I am very excited when I find a program, supplement or class that is quality and I want to share with others!

I am very passionate about a healthy lifestyle, balance, sports and nutrition and have decided to take on a part time role in bringing some of these passions to others.

My husband, sister and brother-in law and I  run a (small) sports league business. Our piece is called SPORTO Athletics. I organize and run intermediate/competitive beach and indoor volleyball tournaments. These are all around Ontario. At the Cambridge and Brantford Athletics branch my sister and her husband run Soccer, Volleyball, Basketball and Ultimate Frisbee leagues. 

Before pursuing my career in teaching,  I worked as a Registered Recreation Therapist teaching water aerobics, hydrotherapy programs and fitness/stretch programs to adults. 

I have taught swimming lessons to children and adults. 
I have been instructing spin classes, Drumfit class and fitness samplers for over two years.
Something that I enjoy doing is trying new classes and fitness programs (around the city) and sharing them with others.

Please feel free to comment and ask questions on any of the products and classes!

Sylvia Porto-Mullin :)