Tuesday 4 August 2015

Step 1 to a healthier you!

Step 1 to a healthier you...

Eliminate sugary drinks from your day.

What you will notice...

Increased energy levels, clearer skin, less bloating, even weight loss!

Give it a try :)

Monday 20 July 2015

Attention energy drink drinkers! Free sample of Natural Rev3 Energy Drink! Limited quantity!

FREE Sample of Rev3 Natural Energy Drink crystals. Please message me here for details where to pick up in Burlington. Cross posted, only 10 samples in total.
Today until Wednesday.


Saturday 27 June 2015

Stress and what you can do to decrease your symptoms...

Stress is a key factor to weight loss and weight gain, lack of sleep, anxiety, anger and outbursts. 

During a stressful phase in your life, Cortisol levels rise, neurotransmitter levels become erratic, key nutrients are depleted, and hormone levels become difficult to predict. This could result in premature aging, weight loss or weight gain, lack or restless sleep, tired feelings, depression, anger.

Exercise, meditation, yoga and supplementation can all help. 
Eating clean, sugar free (or as little sugar as possible), regularly and the right amount is key.

A supplement plan that is right for you should be discussed with your doctor, a health or nutrition specialist or your fitness expert. 

Key supplements that help to fight the negative effects of stress:

Magnesium: This multipurpose supplement helps to relax the body while also easing anxiety. The starting dose of magnesium is usually 200 mg and is best in a glycinate or chelate form. Take at least one hour prior to bedtime.

*Melatonin: For those who have trouble falling asleep or who have symptoms of depression, melatonin is a natural time shifter. It will help patients fall asleep and is also taken one hour prior to bedtime. It works best in a slow-release formula. The starting dose of melatonin is 1 mg. Often   melatonin and magnesium are combined in adults with sleep difficulties. Melatonin will not make you drowsy and you will hear your alarm in the morning. 

*Omega-3s: The omega-3 oils (EPA and DHA) act as potent anti-inflammatories. Omega-3 fats work to lubricate both muscles and joints, thereby decreasing pain that could be caused by stress. Most adults take approximately 2-3 grams per day of total omega-3. It also helps to "lubercate" the brain and to help the neurotransmitters get back to their normal rate of firing. Recommended for those who are feeling "blah" or "low". 

Stress Symptom: Anger, Rage and Anxiety
We all know stress worsens our moods, but chronic stress can lead to outbursts of anger or rage. These outbursts are an extreme expression of anxiety, one of the most frequent symptoms of stress. There are a number of anti-anxiety remedies, including the aforementioned magnesium.

Theanine: Found naturally in green and black tea, theanine helps to relax the mind, tuning down the desire to have an adult temper tantrum. Theanine doses begin at 200 mg per day.

*Grape Seed mixed with Vitamin C: This supplement is not an easy one to find. It is a unique blend of white grape seed oil and vitamin C. USANA Health Sciences is one distributor. 300mg-6oomg Vitamin C and 100mg-200mg of grape seed extract is needed daily to help with calming effects and to help with rage or outbursts. It is also a wonderful supplement for the skin and is used as an anti-aging supplement. 

Sit down and talk about what is bothering you, enjoy a cup of tea, a good book, some good music and the company of those who make you feel good. 

Look for supplements that are 80-100% absorbed in the body. RULE OF THUMB: The less expensive the supplement, the lower the absorption rate. 

If you have questions or comments or if you would like to purchase supplements, please contact me. I can also help you to find the supplements/teas that have been discussed here. Those with a * are sold by USANA. 

Cheers, Sylvy:) 

Monday 1 June 2015

Father's Day Health Pack Deal! Save almost $40.00

FATHER'S DAY DEAL!!!! SAVE almost $40.00!!!

$32.95 plus tax and shipping 

1 bag of his choice Nutrimeal Protein Shake Mix

                                                                                                $29.95 plus tax and shipping

14 sticks of Rev3 Natural Energy Surge Pak $36.95 plus tax and shipping

Small blender bottle $5 plus tax and shipping
PACKAGE COST: With tax and shipping= $128.48


Order by June 10th

YOU SAVE $39.48!!! Please message Sylvy for details!

Monday 11 May 2015

2 Reset Kits for $89 (Regular $118 with tax and shipping)

Hi All!
I have two Reset Kits left and I am offering them for $89 from $118 ($100 plus tax and shipping).
Please message me if you are interested and for pick up.

Kit 1) has all 3 USANA shake flavours (French Vanilla, Dutch Chocolate and Strawberry), it also has all 3 snack flavours (Chocolate Chip, Peanutty Bliss, Chocolate Fudge), directions and supplements (including the antioxidants).

Kit 2) includes 15 shakes as well, however, they are Dutch Chocolate and French Vanilla. It also contains 10 snack bars in chocolate. (It's mainly for chocolate lovers).

Kick start to weight loss or weight management, a reset to healthy eating.

First come, first served!

Monday 4 May 2015

GET FIT OLYMPICS! Win 6 sessions of personal training, 3 month gym membership, Lulu gear and more!

The USANA OLYMPICS are here from May 2nd until June 12th! 

Products include supplements for bones, cardiovascular, vision, brain health, joints, inflammation & POWERFUL antioxidants!
All natural skin care.
Weight management products.
Protein shakes, bars and supplements. 

☀️☀️☀️By making a purchase toward your health you will be entered into a draw to win!!!! 
-3 month all inclusive Gym Membership (Burlington) 
-6 Personal Training Sessions.
-Lulu gear
-Sense all natural skin care products

How do you win???
For every $10 you spend, we will match it with 1 entry into the draw (we will round up)!

However, for anyone who orders a Reset kit for $97.95 (plus tax and shipping) you will get 15 entries into our draw (because you are spending 5 days on you!) 

Anyone who becomes a Preferred Customer with USANA (10 extra entries on top of your order).

Order the fundamentals 30 Day Whole Body Detox Package and get 25 entry tickets! 

Ie., 1 bag of Nutrafree ($29) and one bottle of Procosa ($34) =$65, 7 tickets!

**NOTE: One health pack ($130) will get you 20 tickets! 

The Reset is a kick start to healthy, it is a 5 day kit filled with nutritious shakes, snacks, supplements and directions on how to reset your body for success.
You may lose weight, inches, gain energy and feel better.

If you do not have a USANA catalog, please visit www.usana.com or ask your USANA rep for one. If you do not have a USANA rep yet, please go with your friend who invited you to this page's rep (Diana or Sylvia)

The winners will be chosen on June 12th! Get your orders in throughout the month to earn tickets and to win great prizes! If you have any questions, please message us!

If you have already ordered or your auto order is going in between May 2nd and June 12th. Please message us to let us know what you've ordered so that you will be entered into the draw!
Anyone who has recently ordered the natural whitening toothpaste has been entered. 

Good luck everyone! 
Sylvy and Diana 
Let the games begin!!!!

Please message me here or at sylverbullets@hotmail.com

Wednesday 15 April 2015

Diabetes Donations by purchasing a tube of Natural Whitening Toothpaste! Challenge from today until May 30th!

Hi Everyone! I am starting a new challenge and it goes from today until May 30th. 
We are hoping to sell 50 tubes of Natural Whitening Toothpaste in hopes to generate $100 to be donated to Diabetes Research. As you may know, my husband has type 1 diabetes and a little boy in my Kindergarten Class does also. It is a great cause and $2 of every tube sold will be donated.

Please message me here or at sylverbullets@hotmail.com to order your Natural Whitening Toothpaste. 

Cost: $12 (This includes shipping and taxes). I will get the tube to you.

The ingredients are listed below, Stevia is the natural sweetener and everything is pure.
Thank you for your support!
Sylvy :)

Ingredients in the Sense Natural Whitening Toothpaste:

Calcium Carbonate and Sodium Bicarbonate (Baking Soda) neutralize acids harmful to the teeth and gums. Alongside Hydrated Silica, they also act as abrasives to help scrub teeth clean.
Xylitol, Natural Flavor, Stevia and Sea Salt provide provide natural sweetening and flavor to the toothpaste.
Vegetable Glycerin, Sodium Lauroyl Sarcosinate and Carageenan (Seaweed Extract) provide texture and stability to the toothpaste.
Titanium Dioxide is a natural mineral compound that provides color.
Sodium Benzoate is a preservative that helps keep the toothpaste free of harmful bacteria.
Poly C, Vitamin E and Green Tea Extract are antioxidants that may help support healthy gums. Green Tea Extract also reduces the adhesion of plaque and bacteria to teeth and gums.
Tetrapotassium Pyrophosphate assists in reducing the accumulation of tartar on the teeth.

Monday 6 April 2015

Joint and bone issues/prevention...

Joint problems? Try Procosa Supplements by USANA

Product Features

Procosa is a product that features five of the most used ingredients in joint and bones regeneration in nutritional area. One of these is glucosamine, a chemical naturally found in fluid form around joints. It is also found in nature and it gets usually extracted from shellfish or shells. Some researchers have studied the implications of glucosamine when it comes to osteoarthritis and came to the conclusion that it can be likely effective for this disease. However, there were studies that revealed positive effects for a type of arthritis known as tempomandibular joint arthritis. When taken in excess, glucosamine might have side-effects like: nausea, heartburn, constipation or diarrhea.
Another reliable ingredient of this formula is vitamin C, an essential bodily vitamin that was used in ancient times to treat scurvy. It is currently used at high rates in treating colds and flues. Moreover, it can be used for a series of skin infections, bronchitis and HIV diseases or for enhancing brain faculties.
USANA Procosa Supplements in Canada
USANA Glucosamine Supplement from USANA Procosa is 33 per cent higher than other glucosamine, provides support for a healthy inflammatory response, optimal joint health, and maintains healthy cartilage.

Take three (3) tablets daily, preferably with meals.
Durations of use: 
Use for a minimum of four (4) weeks to see beneficial effects.

If you are interested in trying Procosa, please message me at sylverbullets@hotmail.com or contact me here. The cost is around $33/bottle and each bottle should last approximately one month. 
Take care of those joints!
Cheers, Sylvy

Thursday 2 April 2015

Order USANA Products before 4pm on Friday and save!!! Children's supplements, shakes, bars, nutritional's, skin care...

Hi Everyone! I am putting in a USANA order up until 4pm tomorrow (Friday). With this order, you will save on shipping and $1.00 off any item that you order that is over $10.00. This could really be a savings.

Remember that USANA offers children's vitamins with all natural products, no added colours or flavours, joint supplements, skin care, anti-oxidant vitamins, probiotics, fibre supplements and powders and more. Please check out the products at www.usana.com and then message me at sylverbullets@hotmail.com for questions or to place your order.

Also, if your order is over $70.00 you will get a free whitening toothpaste valued at over $10.00.

Thank you for taking a peek! Order by Friday at 4pm and save big!

Wednesday 1 April 2015

The 30 Day Whole Body Detox is here!

If you are looking for a way to get on the right track with your health, eating and lifestyle, please join us in our 30 Day Whole Body Detox. We have a few spots left for the April 7th start and we are enrolling for the April 13th start.
It is a detox that involves actual food (you won't starve), juicing, shakes, fiber, probiotics and nutritional's, email and webinar supports and a coach. 
Pricing starts at $212.50 plus shipping (for all of your products), add on's available.

Eat Healthy! It's not as hard as you may think!

Friday 27 March 2015

The 30 Day Whole Body Detox is almost here! Check this out! Starts early April!

Please check out the 30 Day Whole Body Detox. It's starting up early April. You will get a coach, support, a recipe book and you will need to order product to help you with this amazing program. Please take a look at http://30daywholebodydetox.com/contributors/

Monday 23 March 2015

30 Day Whole Body Detox!

30 Day Whole Body Detox Overview

Ready for the 2015 Edition? Live launch date set for Tuesday April 7th. First group detox starts on Monday April 13th. What’s new for 2015? First, we’ve partnered with Rebecca Reble & Dieter Staudinger, International Bestselling authors of Juice Your Way To Health. Stay tuned for a new chapter on juicing and more juice recipes! Second, the new and updated book will only be available as an eBook, easy for you to print or read from your tablet or laptop. Finally, the product line-up will also be updated and you’ll be getting the best products to support your healthy 30 Day Whole Body Detox in 2015.
- See more at: http://30daywholebodydetox.com/#sthash.c8VXLy8u.dpuf
or message here for details!

Friday 20 March 2015

The Skinny Green Monster Protein Shake!

This is a delicious one for the peanut butter lover!
  • 1 small frozen ripe banana, peeled
  • 2 cups baby spinach
  • 1 tbsp Peanut Butter (Natural or preferred brand)
  • 3/4 cup unsweetened vanilla almond milk or water
  • 1/2 cup plain fat-free Greek yogurt
  • 2 scoops of USANA chocolate whey or  Nurtifree Vanilla powder (or your desired brand/flavour)
Blend everything together, I add a few cubes of ice, ready in under 5 minutes!

Approximate Calories: 253.4 • Fat: 4.0 g  Carb: 38.6 g  Fiber: 5.5 g  Protein: 17.5 g • Sugar: 13.4 g
Sodium: 216.7 mg 

Saturday 14 March 2015

Nutrimeal Chocolate Whey PANCAKES?!?!?! Yup! Pancakes!!!

Nutrimeal Chocolate Whey Pancakes:
Yield: 6-7 small pancakes

2 eggs
1 ripe banana
2 scoops Nutrimeal Chocolate Whey Powder
1/4-1/2 cup almond milk, vanilla unsweetned
1 tbsp. coconut oil or Earth Balance or gress-fed butter
1-2 tbsp. gluten free all purpose flour

1. Heat large frying pan with oil or butter until it sizzles (watch it doesn't burn).
2. Meanwhile, blend all ingredients in a blender until desired consistency is reached. Adjust almond milk and flour to change consistency.
3. Pour batter on pan until it is approx. 2 inches across.
4. Carefully flip when the underside is brown.
5. Serve with pure maple syrup and fresh berries.


Thursday 12 March 2015

Home Made Protein Bars

16 bars / size per bar 70g   290 Calories per bar
                                                                      16g protein
                                                                         16g fat
                                                               22g carbohydrates


4 1/2 cups ( 400g ) uncooked oatmeal (quick oats)
1 1/3 cups ( 340g ) almond butter
1 cup ( 250ml ) coconut cream, milk or almond milk
5 scoops ( 150g ) whey vanilla or chocolate protein powder
Dark chocolate to drizzle (optional)

1Open a pack or a can of coconut cream. Whisk until the mixture is smooth.
2Add vanilla whey protein powder and whisk until the mixture becomes smooth.
3Add peanut butter and mix everything together with a spoon.
4Add uncooked oatmeal and mix well. You may need to use your hands at this point.
5Flatten the mix in a dish.
6Chill in the fridge overnight (or minimum 2hrs) then cut into 12 or 16 bars. 
(Melt dark chocolate and drizzle: Optional)

Wednesday 11 March 2015

What can you do if you aren't sleeping well?

If you’re suffering from constant fatigue, it’s a sign that your body’s normal systems are being disrupted. There’s no reason to try to push through or ignore it. If you’ve tried to get more sleep, reduce stress and change your lifestyle— but you’re still relentlessly tired — your fatigue deserves to be taken seriously. Fatigue tends to snowball, gradually worsening, until you feel like a hamster stuck on an exercise wheel — exhausted and losing steam but not getting anywhere.

Try these simple things before going to see your doctor:

Change your bedtime. If you are going to bed late, go to bed 15 minutes earlier each week for two to three weeks. See if this helps.
Keep your bedroom dark!
Try not to watch TV in the bedroom. 
Do not eat within two hours of sleep.
Try a sleep tea aid (natural)
Try a natural sleep aid like Pure Rest from USANA: Your body may be missing the needed melatonin!
Your body may actually be cold. This is why you are waking up in the middle of the night. Try wearing socks...just once and see what happens. (Yuck! Socks to bed! But you may be surprised).

Hope this helps!
Sylvy :)

Sunday 8 March 2015

Free Health and Nutrition Seminar: Monday night in Kitchener! (Not a sales pitch seminar) Please join me!

Free health and nutrition seminar tomorrow night in Kitchener! My friend Julie is a guest speaker. It's all about gut health, healthy aging, managing weight, strengthening your immune system. This is not a seminar that will try to sell you products! If you are able to come, please let them know that I sent you and you will get in for free. I will be there with a few friends, come find us. See you tomorrow Aaron and Elisha!

Happy Spring Forward Everyone!

Saturday 7 March 2015


What is DrumFIT®?
DrumFIT® is a fitness based drumming program that combines the mental health benefits of drumming with the overall health  benefits of physical fitness for a full-body workout! Great for your arms, abs and gluts. It's fun and entertaining!
The DrumFIT Difference:
Who is DrumFIT® for?
DrumFIT® is an innovative program that truly engages everyone!  There is no learning curve, everyone can drum.  Drum away your stress and get yourself moving – keeping active has never been this fun!
DrumFit is for kids, teens, adults and seniors. If you are interested in a session nearest you, please contact me or check www.drumfit.ca

Thursday 5 March 2015

Tulsi tea at Goodness Me...stress relief!

One of my latest favorite types of tea for stress relief is Tulsi tea. Tulsi is also known as holy basil, and is one of the best herbs you can consume for stress. Basil is rich in anti-stress properties, and many anti-viral properties as well. It reduces stress, inflammation, stomach illness, and headaches. Tulsi tea comes in many different flavors from lemon, to cinnamon, ginger, and even rose flavored. The tea is completely organic, all natural, and contains no GMOs. You can find it at any health food store like Goodness Me!

Tuesday 3 March 2015

7 people in for the Reset Challenge, 8 spots left! You have until April 1st if you'd like to win the Lulu!

I am so amazed and proud of everyone who has taken a step in the right direction for a healthier you! This reset can be used as a weight management tool and/or a motivational tool, and a step toward a healthier lifestyle.

We have 7 people taking the Reset challenge! We also have 8 spots left and we are taking challengers up until April 1st. Your chances of winning a Lulu Lemon sweater are 1/7 at the moment. Maximum 1/15.
Those are great odds!

The reset is $98 plus tax and shipping, it includes Nutrimeal shakes (pre-measured), snacks, vitamins including antioxidants, D, C and more! It comes with instructions and you will still be able to eat fruit and veggies during the 5 day challenge.

We would also love to hear how it is going. I have a Facebook page where our challengers are posting. If you would like to be included in that, please message me.

It's going to be a great month and start to resetting your health!
Cheers, Sylvy ;)

Monday 2 March 2015

Please join us for a free Health Webinar tonight at 8pm!

Please join my friend Julie for a free health webinar tonight on line.

If you are interested, please visit www.gamechangerswebinar.com

If you are using an ipad you will need to upload Adobe Reader.

It's a great way to get information on health and wellness.

If you are able to attend, please message here to let us know what you thought.

Sylvy :)

Sunday 1 March 2015

Spin Class, what it is, whom it is for? Come try it for FREE!

Free Trial 1 hour Spin Class this Wednesday 6-7pm, Burlington.

What it is: Spinning is a specific format of indoor cycling. Certified Spinning instructors are allowed to teach “Spinning,” but other group cycling programs exist by different names, and some have their own certifications. Spinning is a cardio (aerobic) workout set to music and led by an instructor. Most classes last between 45 and 60 minutes, although some places offer beginner or intro classes that might be shorter.
Whom it's for: Spinning is great for people who want a motivating workout that they can control at their own pace. Even if you’re not into choreography-based fitness classes, you can still enjoy Spinning because it involves neither rhythm nor complex moves. It’s low-impact, so it’s very suitable for people who want to balance out higher-impact exercises (like running) or for people who have some joint problems. Great for the glutes, legs and even arms.
Most spin programs consist of beginners, novice and expert and it's often an even mix of both men and women.

Men tend to spin as their leg workout for the week, women tend to spin more for the butt workout!

I love it! It's my favourite aerobic cardio workout ever!

Come out and try our Spin Class this Wednesday night for free!!! (Regular $10 each)
Email me or message me here for details :) Sylvy

Friday 27 February 2015

A little TREAT protein shake for the weekend! Mocha!

It's okay to have a bit of a treat once in a while! Try this Mocha Protein Shake...

1/2 cup almond milk or water
1 tablespoon Jell-O Butterscotch Pudding
2 scoops Usana chocolate protein powder (or your choice)
1/2 cup concentrated cold brew coffee (do not water it down), or really strong coffee, chilled
1 cup ice
Chocolate shavings (optional)

Tuesday 24 February 2015

Free Butts and Guts cardio class this Wednesday, 5:30pm in Burlington!

Please come out to try a 30 minute Butts and Guts class this Wednesday. You may love it and want to come back. $10/session with a purchase of a 10 class punch card that never expires. This also entitles you to the use of the rest of the gym for that day/evening.

Contact me for details :)

The Lemon Blueberry Protein Shake, it takes 2 minutes to make and its much better than skipping a meal!

A new favourite to mine!

1.5 cups of water
1/4 cup blueberries
1/2 lemon squeezed or blended (depending on your blender)
1-3 scoops vanilla or chocolate protein powder
BLEND and consume :)

Monday 23 February 2015

Take the RESET Challenge and be entered to win a Lulu Lemon top! March 1st to April 1st!

Take the Reset Challenge and you will be entered to win a Lulu Lemon Top (valued at $108)
OUR CHALLENGE BEGINS MARCH 1st and ENDS APRIL 1st (It's only 5 days of your life, but it could be the beginning of something more!)

Is it time to get a little jump-start to your nutrition?
The Reset program is a nutritionally balanced program of macro-nutrients (high-quality protein, good carbs, and healthy fats) and micro-nutrients (vitamins, minerals, antioxidants). 
Add this to your daily intake of fruits and vegetables along with 20-30 minutes of light to moderate exercising (walking the dog, running, exercise class).
Take the Usana Reset Kit challenge for 5 days! (It can be divided up into 10 days, with a well balanced dinner instead of a shake and protein bar).

What is Usana Reset?
A healthy kick start to making positive changes to your diet, eating habits and lifestyle. The Reset can be used as a jump-start to naturally balance your lifestyle. Just add physical activity and you will feel and see some positive changes.
What it includes: Nutrimeal Shakes, Snacks and Nutritional's/Supplements.
You can mix and match your shake flavours and your portein bar flavours.
Bars: Fudge Delite, Choco Chip, Peanutty Bliss
Shakes: French Vanilla, Dutch Chocolate, Strawberry

I have purchased my own kit and I would like to start as soon as we have others interested.
If you are interested in purchasing a Reset Kit for $98 plus taxes. Please message me personally or message here. I will get it to you right away and we can all help each other keep track of how we are doing. If you need your RESET costumized (ie. no nuts/no soy) please message me about that.

As for the Lulu Lemon Top: We need a total of 6 participants. If we have 6, then your chances are 1/6 to win!
I hope that we can get a little challenge going, some banter and some positive health changes! It's a health challenge, not necessarily a weight loss challenge (but that could happen too!)

Thanks everyone,