Wednesday 11 March 2015

What can you do if you aren't sleeping well?

If you’re suffering from constant fatigue, it’s a sign that your body’s normal systems are being disrupted. There’s no reason to try to push through or ignore it. If you’ve tried to get more sleep, reduce stress and change your lifestyle— but you’re still relentlessly tired — your fatigue deserves to be taken seriously. Fatigue tends to snowball, gradually worsening, until you feel like a hamster stuck on an exercise wheel — exhausted and losing steam but not getting anywhere.

Try these simple things before going to see your doctor:

Change your bedtime. If you are going to bed late, go to bed 15 minutes earlier each week for two to three weeks. See if this helps.
Keep your bedroom dark!
Try not to watch TV in the bedroom. 
Do not eat within two hours of sleep.
Try a sleep tea aid (natural)
Try a natural sleep aid like Pure Rest from USANA: Your body may be missing the needed melatonin!
Your body may actually be cold. This is why you are waking up in the middle of the night. Try wearing socks...just once and see what happens. (Yuck! Socks to bed! But you may be surprised).

Hope this helps!
Sylvy :)

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